Junior basketball teams
You can find more detailed contact information and practice times for the teams by clicking on the menu below.
New players are welcome to join YMCA Tampere teams throughout the season. You can start playing basketball at any time.
Boys U10 (born 2015-2016)
A basketball team for boys aged 2015-2016, which practices twice a week.
Price: 50€/month
Contact: mikko.penttinen@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Girls U10 (born 2015-2016)
A basketball team for girls aged 2015-2016, which practices twice a week.
Price: 50€/month
Contact: mikko.penttinen@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Boys U11 (born 2014)
A basketball team for boys born in 2014, which practices three times a week.
Price: 65€/month
Contact: reko.valkeila@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Boys U12 (born 2013)
A basketball team for boys born in 2013, which practices three times a week.
Price: 65€/month
Contact: pekka.niemi@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Girls U12 (born 2012-2013)
A team for girls born in 2012 and 2013, which practices three times a week.
Price: 65€/month
Contact: anssi.niemi@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Boys U13/14 (born 2011-2012)
A basketball team for boys born in 2011-2012, which practices four times a week. There are two teams in this age group, one of which is a competition team and the other a challenger team.
Price: 85€/month
Contact: mikko.penttinen@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Girls U14 (born 2010-2011)
A team for girls born in 2010 and 2011, which practices three times a week.
Price: 65€/month
Contact: anssi.niemi@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Boys U15/16 (born 2009-2010)
A team for boys born in 2010-2009, which practices 3-4 times a week. The team works in cooperation with KU-68 and RaPy. There are two teams in this age group, one of which is a competitive group and the other a challenger group.
Price: 90€/month
Contact: anssi.niemi@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Boys U17/19 (born 2006-2008)
A team for those born in 2006-2008 that practices four times a week. The team works in cooperation with KU-68 and RaPy. There are two teams in this age group, one of which is a competitive group and the other a challenger group.
Price: 99€/month
Contact: taneli.tuokko@ymca.fi
Practice times and more information:
Girls U17/19 (born 2006-2009)
A team for girls born in 2008 and 2009 that practices three times a week. The team plays in the Western Region.
Price: 65€/month
Contact: joakim.gassama@ku-68.fi
Practice times and more information: